June 27, 2007

Intensive photo weekend

Last weekend we had our annual member meeting of the nature photographers of Switzerland. We had plenty of excursions around the area of Schwarzwaldalp, Rosenlaui and Grosse Scheidegg. It was an intensive, but relaxing weekend in one of the most beautiful areas of Switzerland.

June 13, 2007

Flower macro

Yesterday I finally had some time in the evening to go out and take some pictures. The light was almost gone, but I try to make the most out of it. There were not so many keepers (or maybe I'm just really picky), but the one below I like the best. Luckily the weekend is coming soon...

June 11, 2007

Progression of a Photographer

1. You start out with very little knowledge
2. You start doing research and realize it is much more difficult than you imagined.
3. You begin to pick up knowledge, the technical side of things.
4. You begin to use the technical knowledge and it works.
5. You start to feel as if you are mastering the technical
6. You begin to feel you know a LOT.
7. You start posting images that you are proud of.
8. You KNOW your images are better than much of what you see.
9. Family and friends start to oooo and aaaahhh at your images
10. Pro's don't seem to acknowledge you.
11. You think it's jealousy.
12. You reach a valley in your photography. You are starting to notice that your images aren't quite what you thought they would be.
13. You start to notice that, in your images, the models hands, the composition, the depth...isn't quite what you wanted.
14. Even your very favorite photograph isn't as good as you once thought. "I should have . . . "
15. You are now completely dissatisfied with everything you have ever shot.
16. You begin to realize that your photography is NOTHING compared to the masters.
17. You begin to see the differences in your photography compared to what you see published.
18. Now you are beginning to learn.

June 10, 2007

So little time...

I wish I would have more time to take pictures. I guess you know the feeling. During the weeks there is hardly any time because of other commitments and during the weekends my 2 ladies want to have their attention... So this weekend was another great family weekend. We were invited to a barbecue, which turned out to be great (thanks Lisa, Peter, Sila & Nico!) and Sunday was just a lazy day for recharging the batteries.

Luckily there is some light at the end of the photography tunnel. The next 2 weekends I will spend with the board of the Nature Photographers of Switzerland (NFS), first we are having our monthly board meeting and the weekend after at our annual member meeting in Meiringen in the Bernese mountains.
Here is a sneak preview of what to expect. (photos by Alfred Hirsig)

In meantime, if I cannot take pictures myself, I got some inspiration from one the best fine art flower and nature photographer, Tony Sweet. Have a look at his website and you might as impressed as I am.

June 06, 2007


Not necessarily the type of pictures I like to take or that I can take (yes, I'm a bit jealous), but check out Tara Whitney's blog.
She is an amazing photographer and the pictures she takes are really inspiring.