July 31, 2007


Hälsningar från Svenskfinland!

July 18, 2007

Early days of digital photography

This picture was taken in September 2000 with a 2.3 megapixel point and shoot camera. A lot of things have changed since then. Still I like the picture and its quality (Jpeg out of the camera and no Photoshop)...


July 06, 2007

Something to think about...

"Cameras don't take photographs, people do" - John Hedgecoe said that.
"Expose for the highlights and let the shadows take care of themselves" - Ansel Adams said that.
"The camera is only a tool. The best saw in the world won't make you a better carpenter" - Peter Evans (a fellow Nikonian) said that.

July 04, 2007

My little corner of the world...

... not really, but still one of my favorite places!