November 29, 2007


What is the reason of having a blog. In my case I was planning to use it as another way to present some of my pictures, maybe write something around the pictures. I was hoping that I can have at least 2 blog entries per week, knowing that I don't yet can focus on photography full time.

Now after almost one year of blogging there should have been quite some entries. However, as you see / read yourself, there are not quite as many. Maybe 2 entries per week was ambitious, but you need to have some goals. However there are not so many pictures to write about, Frustration No. 1, simply I did not have so much time to take pictures this year, Frustration No. 2, and therefore resulting in not too many blog entries, Frustration No. 3. Ok, there some entries with links to YouTube or even embedded videos and some other non photographic related entries, but I really wanted to have a relation between the entry and my pictures.

No, this will be now not my last entry of this blog. I really want and I will continue. I just have to hang in. A couple more weeks and I can take my Christmas break from my daytime job and recharge my batteries and take some time to refocus for 2008. And where else can I do this, people that know me will know the answer, than in FINLAND. It is an open secret that I would like to move back up north (9 years have been a long time), but for the time being my life is in Switzerland and there is nothing wrong with that.

Having said that it might be a bit quiet on the blog for the rest of year, beside the frustration I'm as well a bit exhausted. So recharging the batteries has at the moment the highest priority.

Nevertheless, on a positive note, I managed last week to get one of my dream lenses, a Nikkor AFS 17-55 f/2.8 IF-ED DX. I'm really looking forward to take it to its limits over Christmas and New Year in Finland. The results can be seen at the latest next year at this blog.

Photo captured by D200, 18-70AFS on Lexar digital film

November 05, 2007


Kymejoki, originally uploaded by Kleines Monster.

Time for a new picture. Actually it already is from this summer. But since I reeeeeally did not have time for anything new yet.(I know I repeat myself and it gets boring). So I'm slowly working off my backlog. Actually I'm a bit disappointed with my shots from this summer's trip to Finland. My biggest critic (aka my wife) doesn't like this picture at all. Not Finnish enough. My second biggest critic (aka our little Monster) was slightly more positive. But then she might have been just nice to me to ensure that she gets her good night story (which she would have gotten anyway). Let's wait other people think.

Unfortunately there still is no light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to new pictures. My ordinary job is still very demanding until the end of the year, but next year definitely has to change. Can I promise that? No, not really, but I'm really hoping that it will change!

Photo captured by D200, 18-70AFS on Lexar digital film